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Ring Update #6

Yes, the struggle is REAL people. The saga continues to perfect the ring. 3 more rings will be created if needed.

On the left, the previous version shown, done with laser and color added (16 mm). ON THE RIGHT, an engraved version. Much more detail when done by more skillful hands, no color added and this is (21 mm). PERSONALLY it is WAY TOO BIG. We can see and DO more details when it's enlarged. The next step is to bring it back down to a 16mm (diameter of the face of the ring). After that, I think its safe to say that we are close to finalizing the project. Meanwhile, the Indiegogo Crowdfunding campaign continues! I find it strange how the campaign has yet to garner much support. HOWEVER, what it DOES NOT REFLECT is that it has garnered much more exposure for the website AND as a result of that, sales are pouring in. This is huge because the more funding I can get, the better odds of producing this ring for a mass production.

These pics and updates I provide are still just a sample ring in the works. Regardless of whether or not the campaign is successful, I think we will be close to bringing this project to market. The reason I pushed for a different method to make yet another ring is to still try to reduce the cost of production. I do this ahead of the crowdfunding campaign ending, in case it does not meet its goal. The sales revenues might still push this project forward but with a cheaper concept of producing an even better ring! This work is never ending.

In the end, there can only be one SUPREME manufacturer of The Sigil of Baphomet ring, and that will be ME. Hail Satan! - Xerxes


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