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The Sigil of Baphomet Ring Has Arrived!

Yesterday I personally handled the shipping of rings and other items purchased. Nothing short of a massive shipment going out today. I went through EVERY SINGLE ring last night. I realized that the details of the ring were NOT lost...however, it was the coloring process that was difficult to apply. Guys, I hope you understand that this project officially went into full throttle since June of this year. Each night, I get online and I spoke with my constituents in China to guide them along the process, set up online meetings to discuss details etc. Anyway, I won't go into my sappy story about losing sleep since June...but I put alot of pressure on them to get this out by now. They came through and of course, the coloring process is where I noticed that SOME rings may have a tiny dent in them...or too many "brush" strokes that are normal during the polishing process...but sometimes, too much normal, FOR ME ANYWAY, it NOT good for me. SO....I hand picked the best rings that I felt are worth the price listed on my site.

Then there were some that had I felt it would be best to offer for a lesser price tag. These lesser priced rings are hardly noticeable compared to the best ones I picked out. Many people here were telling me things like "really? you don't think its good enough?" so, to the sidelines it went. I figured that these would go for $35 each.

THEN there were some that were definitely noticeably OFF. I could either toss these and throw them away, literally, OR as an option, I figured I'd auction them off on Ebay or even take 'Best Offers'. In business, there is accountability for a minimum of 10-15% that is automatically ruled as a loss. Well, 15% being a rather large number. You do your number crunching and you have to account for that 10% that will be considered as unable to sell, lost or damaged, etc. So...this would be that...the rings that I personally felt would not make the cut. However, there's some that disagree with me. I figured I would compromise and offer them on Ebay for any willing taker. If you see some on Ebay in the near future for far less than what you may have paid for, the listing will reflect that these are 'Less than Perfect' rings. I will also list some that are the full price. This is my statement for today.

Please understand that if I do not answer messages or comments left behind, I am swamped with alot of work to do now that this project is moving ahead to be listed in various places. Thank you all whom have supported this venture.

Now, there is a Sigil of Baphomet ring in the Highest Quality and Craftmanship available since recent memory. Still the #1 place for Satanic Jewelry that meets high expectations and affordability! Hail to the Dark Overlord below us, Hail Satan! - Xerxes

PS...Enjoy these pics for the time being.


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