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May 2021

We are finally here, the month of reckoning for a few of the PRE-ORDER ITEMS.

Let me begin with talking a little bit about the Sigil of Baphomet Rings. First, let me remind you that all items on this site take time to produce. In some cases it can take months in advance. I am fairly decent on timing things these days. When inventory is running low, we go into production months in advance, depending on the complexity of the piece and issues we might run into. In some cases, there's even holidays to consider or days when people stop working and that is more time to consider when I can anticipate new stock to arrive.

The rings were in production like any typical production when it was time to restock the rings. However, our company is constantly growing and at times I have to make some last minute decision or other factors force me into making them. When it came to the rings I was forced to dealing with new agents and a new factory. In other words, a new manufacturer altogether. They were sorta going through a whole rebranding phase. So it was out with the old and in with the new. Sometimes, these events causes plants to bring in fresh talents and letting go of old one. A wide variety scenarios can unfold. I was caught in the middle of that. When I placed my order for more ring production, this caused a slight disruption.

Making a long story, short, the disruption caused the factory to inform me that they were able to push the jewelry to new limits that we have not had before. The rings, in this case, could get a makeover on the look of the ring. This mean, fine details and better quality overall. And so it began, I went ahead an executed a rush to production if we are going to start over in designing a more perfect ring.

In the end, the factory reproduced a new ring and I was not shown the details mid-production so that they can just keep rolling without having to stop until I give my approval. Once the rings were finished, they were shipped to me and wouldn't you know it? They gave me HALF SIZES smaller than what I had originally requested. This was in fact, one of the ONLY major issues I am currently having with this new manufacturing team. Everything is measured differently and as a result, the rings were not the only items that came in the wrong size.

The rings are finally here and unfortunately, they are all HALF SIZES smaller than what I had ordered originally. Thus they were listed this way on the site. The sizes you see as of this blog post is what is currently available.

In case you wonder, YES, WHOLE SIZES are coming soon. As a result of this, I ordered a new production with this time, a half size BIGGER than what they send me the first time. This will definitely make everything whole again with me. I will have more inventory than I had planned to have but all is good in the world. So with that, I want to also skip into the Seal of Lucifer pendants.

Seal Of Lucifer

Seal of Lucifer was also almost sold out when I ordered the factory to produce more. Yet, once again, due to dealing with a new manufacturing crew, sizes were screwed up.

The Seal of Lucifer 1.25 inch size was now going to be a thing of the past for the time being. You see, the new manufacturer was measuring things differently. Some measure the pendants vertically, horizontally, or in some cases, diagonally! That was the case when I ordered the Seal of Lucifer. Another thing I wanted to try out was a new color scheme like I have been doing for the Sigil of Baphomet pendants, in BLACK AND RED.

SO, here's the scoop on Seal of Lucifer. The 1.25 inch pendant is officially sold out and will not be coming back any time soon. The new sizes are what is IN. For a long time, people had requested the 1.5 inch and although these were created by error, I am happy to have them in stock. They are still reasonably priced for the size when everything else around us is experiencing inflation, my prices are hardly increasing. In fact, the jewelry just got bigger! As for the 2 inch pendant, that too has been something alot of people have been asking for a very long time. It has never been produced UNITL now.

Seal of Lucifer Victorian

Seal of Lucifer Victorian is still on schedule to be launched by end of the month. We did run into some problems that set us back just a couple of weeks but I believe we will have it before the month of May is over.

The Seal of Lucifer 1.5 inch size will be exactly as pictured before. However, having said that there's been some issues, I will have to share more updates on another piece.

Chaos Star

Chaos Star necklace is currently in production. After having a couple of setback with the Seal of Lucifer Victorian, we hit yet another snag with the Chaos Star about 2 -3 weeks into production. There was some issues I had addressed with the prototype. Normally these issues can be corrected during production without the need for a new prototype. They simply make the correction and when the production is complete, I simply receive the new iventory. Sounds pretty simple, right? Try getting new inventory with a surprise you didn't see from the beginning. Well, experience has taught me alot since I started this brand. I now ordered the new manufacturer to literally start over with a RE-Design of the Chaos Star....sorta. I was happy with the outcome of the prototype but I felt that the piece you guys did not see in the pics was a critical piece. Its the part where the chain will run through on the backside. The problem was that I wanted to be able to fit a 3mm thick chain. They prototype did not have that. Plus, I also took issue with the size of the prototype. Now you see, by this time, I had already shared the pics of the prototype and I also PRICED the pendant for PRE-ORDER.

I had to make a critical decision and I think its for the best because my reputation runs high and I need to make sure I do not produce anything with errors on them.

The decision was made that the pendant will be given some additional weight to the center (the body of the piece) PLUS, the arrows will be bigger and extended further. On top of that, the corrected piece I requested on the backside of the pendant. Now bigger chains will be able to be used on this piece too. Over all, the manufacturer had to produce a new mold. In other words, start from scratch.

You PRE-ORDER BUYERS will be happy to know the Chaos Star will now be slightly bigger and with some added weight to the piece and best part, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. I have yet to determine if this new size will add additional manufacturing costs to the piece but I am not going to ask more for what the PRE-ORDER buyers already paid. Instead, I will determine that when it finally arrives but do expect a price adjustment.

The following pics are straight from the production team. If this serves anything as to how I do things, it should tell you that I am VERY involved in the details on how these are produced. Not many sellers will ever provide such insights. Anyway, see for yourself and drop some feedback on this if you feel you must. I am always open to hear it.


This is all I have as for what is coming in May. Chaos Star may run late and if you are reading about this now, just know, I made an announcement on social media that this piece is running behind schedule due to the fact that I needed to change a few things and it set us back with the timing. However, I ALWAYS come through on a promise. This piece will eventually see its day on my site soon.

See you guys on the next blog. I will share a little about website updates and of course, more jewelry or other items I am currently working on. Its a constant thing around here. I hope you find it somewhat entertaining.



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