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One Last Piece

The Sigil of Baphomet. The thing that started this whole concept. Back in 2013 I was in search for a Sigil of Baphomet necklace that I would wear proudly. It had been years actually, since that search began. I had only seen a few good ones here and there but never anything that could truly satisfy my desire for something of decent quality that I could wear proudly.

I mean, listen, I am not all that dapper on a daily basis but if you want to wear something that has significance to you and how you view the world, this was it for me. Having a Sigil of Baphomet was something personal to own and wear, as I am sure it is for many Satanists today.

That was partially the reasoning behind the start-up of this epic journey. It was a rocky beginning back then. I was pulling sources to help bring this reality together. Even when I was building this site, I didn't exactly have a name for it. I called the file, Sigil of Baphomet, because I was saving all my work on there and it was merely a reference to what the site would be about. The site was supposed to be all about BAPHOMET. Grant it, I am a Satanist so it would naturally lean towards that aspect of what it means to us but I also wanted to create something for occultists. Thus, Baphomet was not just about the Sigil piece but for all occultists in general. Baphomet is a big part of that aesthetic.

Over time, things began to evolve and I created items for a variety of occultists, like the Luciferians, Pagans, and so on. There is alot that I didn't cover but I covered the biggest. I also created jewelry for some organizations. When that happened, it was literally a roller coaster! I know that not everybody agrees with everybody, but I hope you guys understand, I had to create something for everyone. It's part of what the site was supposed to be originally. A site for all OCCULTS, not just Satanism. Yeah, the Church of Satan members were a mix of support and protest for what I did. The same with The Satanic Temple. It was good while it lasted but no matter what, I keep my doors open. Politics is what divided the left hand path.

Still, after all this time, I stuck with the plan. Kept an open mind and try to cater to everyone as best as I can. Some will like it, others will not. SUCH IS LIFE. Life cannot be wasted on ingrates, or so said the great Anton LaVey, verbatim. As time went on, I forged ahead with the path.

These days, its VERY clear that I set the path for the massive appeal in jewelry. I take great joy, pride, and drive a stake at claiming to be a pioneer in that movement. Its good to see the variety that exists today. I am pretty sure some of it was inspired by what I have done. My nickel's worth to the world.

Here we are today in some challenging time.s It has come to the point where decisions needed to be made as we continue to grow and perhaps take up a few pivots along the way. Wouldn't you believe that I recently felt that it was time to MAYBE JUST MAYBE, it was time to move on!? I am not talking about quitting what I started, not at all. I am talking about pulling away from the main focus of what I started with and kept as the main integral point of the site and pivot in a slightly new direction.

The Sigil of Baphomet Pendants are going away. Yep, say it ain't so...right? It may come as a shock but its true. The time has come to say goodbye to the Sigil of Baphomet pendants....SORTA! It's been going on too long. I have done it all. At least with the Sigil of Baphomet anyway. I have done Stainless Steel, Sterling Silver, Multiple Colors, I mean, you say it, I did it. I THOUGHT I had nothing left in me until recently! Therefore, I decided it was time to perhaps make this announcement. I got but one last design version of the Sigil of Baphomet left in me.

The Sigil of Baphomet that I am planning to create next will be the last one. EVER. I am probably gonna keep that design going forward. It will outlast any version I previously created and you never have to worry about the color coming off, EVER.

The current designs I have with color, like the one here on the right, my original Black and Red signature piece, will last a long time if properly cared for. It is a resin that is bonded to the metal in a 2000 degree oven. Yes, it takes up alot of energy to produce these. The resin is originally a powder placed in the grooved design and with a little fire and heat, it melts into a liquid, filling and covering the space its in. After they come out, the pendants are buffed and shined.

Some of you may have owned one for years and then if even goes bad on you, it starts to peel off like a "hard plastic" as some will describe it as. This is part of the normal wear and tear process. Not all things last forever. Or WILL THEY? I am banking on this final piece to last a lifetime. However, we definitely gotta say goodbye to the colors. Color to METAL IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE MY IDEA AND CONCEPT. Nobody in the history of jewelry making, has anyone ever done this unless they knock of my process. That's a fact for another time. For now, just know, we were the first to ever do this. And going forward, this conecpt will no longer be applied to the Sigil of Baphomet pendants.

We are continuously growing and need to focus on new product ideas that I need to get out of my head and into the world of reality. However, I cannot stay within the boundaries of my own creativity. My creativity wants to color outside the lines, to sorta speak. The themes will remain Pagan, Occult, and Goth. When it comes to Satanic, well, I cannot promise that each new piece will be "Satanic".

The colored Sigil of Baphomet pendants are officially OUT of my plans for future productions. For the time being, we have plenty available and they will continue to be offered until they sell out. Until they are completely gone, we will no longer restock them or produce them. Our productions going forward will be focused on new ideas and products. I hope that we can still keep you guys coming back to check and see what we got going on.

I do want to make it clear though, Satanism is still my religion and it is always FIRST on all things I consider to do before moving forward. Its not a complete GOODBYE but CHANGE is definitely coming. It will be a slow roll-out. I am still a very small business.

Needless to say, I wish to continue to thank everyone for the ongoing support. I will not disappoint in what I can bring to the market. I am telling you now, be prepared to see what is coming soon. The year is early and we got lots planned. We will not be matched by anyone. This will make sense why we need to pull away from this piece in the near future. Until next time, my fellow Satanists and supporters across the globe, STAY DARK MY FRIENDS.

Hail Satan!

~ Xerxes


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